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Like 2-dimensional (2D) and 3-dimensional (3D) ultrasound, 4-dimensional (4D) ultrasound remains a medical examination allowing a specialist to detect possible fetal malformations in the mother's womb. . The technique remains the same and is based on the use of ultrasound. But unlike 2D ultrasound which shows "slices" of the fetus and 3D ultrasound which allows us to explore and travel through these slices, 4D ultrasound introduces time. This is referred to as a real-time volume review. The baby's movements are thus visible continuously, as in a film, but the images are however jerky. After post-image computer processing, color images of the baby are obtained, as in a 3D ultrasound.
At the end of the exam, the future parents leave with 2D pictures of their baby (3 in the first trimester, 9 in the 2nd trimester and 6 in the last trimester). This number is a minimum common to all sonographers who can then, if they wish, provide parents with other images.
Some specialists apply the precautionary principle and will only use the 3D or 4D imaging technique if there is a suspicion of an abnormality, already suspected during conventional 2D ultrasound. For our specialist, a good ultrasound necessarily requires a good 2D examination. It is therefore not necessary to look for a specialist equipped with 3D-4D equipment. An ultrasound must be performed for medical purposes, it is not a spectacle.
The specialists who can perform ultrasounds are midwives and general practitioners (with a complementary diploma), obstetrician-gynecologists and radiologists. Remember to get informed before going to the office (in France, anyone can buy an ultrasound machine, there is no legal framework). Some private companies may offer you to perform an ultrasound for strictly commercial purposes.
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